Modern Thatch Roofing: Sustainable Luxury for Eco-Friendly Resorts


In today’s world, where sustainability and luxury are increasingly intertwined, thatch roofing has made a remarkable comeback as a preferred choice for eco-friendly resorts. Modern thatch roofing combines the timeless appeal of natural materials with contemporary engineering techniques, offering both sustainability and durability. With over 38 years of experience and ISO certifications, Matts Corner is a leader in crafting high-quality, sustainable thatch roofing that meets the exacting standards of luxury resorts and eco-lodges worldwide.

Sustainable Applications of Thatch Roofing

Thatch roofing is not just a nostalgic nod to tradition; it is a practical and sustainable solution for modern resorts looking to minimize their environmental impact while offering a unique, luxurious experience. Resorts across the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia have embraced modern thatch roofing, combining it with contemporary designs to create eco-friendly yet opulent accommodations.

  1. Eco-Lodges and Sustainable Retreats: Eco-lodges in regions like Costa Rica and Sri Lanka have pioneered the use of thatch roofing to reduce their carbon footprint. By using locally sourced, renewable materials, these lodges offer an authentic experience that resonates with environmentally-conscious travellers. Matts Corner’s thatch roofing is crafted to enhance the natural beauty of these lodges while providing excellent insulation and protection from the elements.
  2. Luxury Beach Resorts: Resorts in the Maldives, Bali, and the Caribbean are increasingly opting for thatch roofing to create a rustic yet elegant ambiance. These resorts use thatch to cover everything from beachfront villas to outdoor dining areas, providing guests with an immersive experience that connects them to the natural surroundings. Matts Corner’s modern thatch roofing is treated to withstand tropical weather conditions, ensuring that it remains durable and beautiful for years to come.
  3. Safari Lodges and Wilderness Camps: In Africa, safari lodges and wilderness camps have long relied on thatch roofing to blend into the landscape and provide natural cooling. Matts Corner’s thatch roofing is particularly popular in these settings, offering not only aesthetic appeal but also practicality. The thatch provides excellent insulation, keeping the interiors cool during the hot days and warm during the cool nights, making it ideal for regions with extreme temperature variations.

Geos and Weather Considerations

Modern thatch roofing is versatile and can be adapted to a wide range of climates and environments, from the humid tropics to the arid deserts and even alpine regions.

  1. Tropical Climates: In tropical regions, such as Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, thatch roofing offers natural insulation and ventilation, making it a popular choice for resorts and eco-lodges. The thatch helps keep interiors cool, reducing the need for air conditioning and thus lowering energy consumption.
  2. Arid Regions: Thatch roofing is also highly effective in arid regions, such as parts of Africa and the Middle East. The thick layers of thatch provide natural insulation, keeping buildings cool in the heat of the day and warm during cold nights. Additionally, thatch is resistant to the strong winds and sandstorms often encountered in desert environments.
  3. Alpine and Cold Climates: While thatch is traditionally associated with warmer climates, modern engineering has adapted it for use in colder regions as well. In alpine regions, thatch provides excellent thermal insulation, keeping interiors warm and cozy. Resorts in the Swiss Alps and mountainous regions of Japan have successfully integrated thatch roofing into their designs, blending traditional aesthetics with modern comfort.

Matts Corner Manufacturing Excellence

Matts Corner’s commitment to quality and sustainability is reflected in every aspect of its thatch roofing products. With over 38 years of experience and a strong focus on innovation, Matts Corner has perfected the art of crafting thatch roofing that is both beautiful and durable.

  1. Sustainable Sourcing: Matts Corner sources its thatch materials from renewable, sustainable sources. The company works closely with local communities to ensure that the materials are harvested responsibly, supporting both the environment and local economies.
  2. Advanced Treatment Techniques: To enhance the durability and longevity of thatch roofing, Matts Corner employs advanced treatment techniques. The thatch is treated to be fire-resistant, insect-resistant, and weatherproof, ensuring that it meets the rigorous standards of luxury resorts.
  3. Customization and Design: Every resort has its own unique style, and Matts Corner offers extensive customization options to ensure that the thatch roofing complements the overall design. Whether it’s a traditional African safari lodge or a modern eco-resort in Bali, Matt’s Corner can tailor the thatch roofing to suit the specific aesthetic and functional needs of the property.


Modern thatch roofing offers the perfect blend of sustainability, luxury, and durability, making it an ideal choice for eco-friendly resorts and lodges. With decades of experience, ISO-certified manufacturing processes, and a commitment to innovation, Matts Corner is the go-to provider for thatch roofing that meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability. By choosing Matt’s Corner, resorts can offer their guests a unique, immersive experience that connects them to the natural environment while ensuring comfort and luxury. Trust Matts Corner to provide the best in thatch roofing, tailored to your needs and built to last.

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